Jun 23, 2011

Thai Food restaurant!


I went to the Thai food restaurant, TINUN.

It located in the su-k Kaihin makuhari 3F.
(the building in front of Kaihin-makuhari station)

You can feel original booth of Thailand:)

At first, I was confused with the open space.
I felt passing very slow time...

But I could be relaxed soonly!

Here is not Japanese restaurant,
so please enjoy this unique atmosphere!

I rdered  Fresh Spring Roll.

It tasted fresh and spicy, dipping in hot souce was so good!

This drink is a Litichi juice.



This is a Fried Rice Noodle.
( Japanese say "yaki bi-hun")

Most of Thai food are spicy and hot,
but this souce is very mild.

If you are not good at spicy dish, I recommend this.

On this plate, there are including tofu, eggs, shrimps, beansprouts...and so on.
The left of looks powder is crushed nut.

Last one  was called Graprao.

Stir-fried Spicy Minced Chicken
      with Basil on Rice topped with Fried Egg.

The dish is familir with Japanese taste, I think.
It is like very spicy "soboro" rice.

They were so spicy but good taste.
I learned Japanese dishes are mild and used suger, but these one are adding many kinds of spices and promote our appetite.

Plese enjoy Thai Foods!

Kob Kun Ka!


  1. Hi, Im Yu from the class :-)

    I looooove Thai food and corianer!!
    I've been to Tinun with my friend and we ordered Chicken something and spicy noodle, and a bowl of coriander!!!! hmmmmmmmmm your post made me starving so bad :D nice photos!!

  2. Hi NORIKO!
    I'M YUNA:)

    I know where this restaurant is located!
    Whenever I go and find some restaurants to eat at that building, I always feel trying, but never... because I hasitate for a moment...

    I think I don't feel familiar with the atmosphere because I've never been to Thai. However, your blog made me excited and I've decided to go there in near future;)

    If I go there, I'll order everything which you recommend in this blog because all of dishes looks sooo yummy:9
    Especially "Graprao" looks so nice and it reminds me "nasi-goreng" in Indonasia.
    Did you find any similality between two dishes?

    Your blog made my views of food culture widen!!
    Thank you for telling me your great stoty with TINUN;)
