Jul 11, 2011

Korean cold noodle

I got a strange instant food from my friend recently.

This is a Korean instant noodle.

But I cannot read the Hangul alphabet!!

What's this???
I searched these shaped letter,
at least I understand.

It is called BIBIM MEN, instant spicy cold noodles.

It is like a HIYASHI CHUKA in Japanese, cold chinese noodle. 

It seemed spicy and cold.... OK! I will make it :D

Oh my God!
I cannot read the Hangul!!

Fortunately, I understand only 2 words. 

Then, I guess and image Hiyashi Chuka noodle!

When I opened the package, there are  an instant noodle and a paste soup.

In this point, there is no quite difference with Japanese instant noodles.

First, prepairing 600ml boiled water and the put noodle into the pan.
Maybe cook it for 3 minuets.

And then, drain out the water and wash it in cold water.

Oh, I don't have hints anymore...

! ! !

This is BIBIM MEN.
Have you ever eaten BIBIM BA?
So, "bibin" means "to mix"!

Second, add the sause and mix it around.

Finally,  put cut cucumbers, hams and fried eggs on the noodle.
You can choose toppings as you like!
It looks like Hiyashi Chuka I know...

But taste is spicy after all.
The noodle is chewy and good!

If you've had enough of Japanese soy sause soup, please try this :)

and then,
Someone please tell me the Hangul :D  


  1. Hi, I'm kaori.

    It looks yummy and might be spicy!!
    I started learning Korean from April, but i could not read everything:(haha

    you are very smart because you could cook this dish without Japanese!!

  2. Hi,Noriko.

    Spicy Korean cold noodle...Sounds yummy:)
    and it seems good for hot summer like these days.

    Did you get it in Japan??
    I wanna try it!

