Jul 21, 2011


My standard meal in summer is Somen!

It is fine Japanese noodle.

How to make it basicaly

Do you know the difference between Somen and Hiyamugi?

Both is same kind of noodle.

Actually, using flour is different.
But the biggest difference is Thickness.

It is set diameter size.
  under 1.3mm is called Somen
1.3mm≦ Hiyamugi ≦1.7mm
Over  1.7mm  is Udon

It means, thinest is called somen, and hiyamugi is thicker than somen.  

Japanese noodle standard was changed (2004),
For handmade ( "te-nobe " in Japanese) dried noodle
    over 1.7mm is set tenobe Udon,
    under 1.7mm can notice Somen or Hiyamugi.
There are no distinction on the law.
So its up to the maker.  ( machine made is no change)

I like all kinds of noodle, but somen is better:)

 I have one more topic.
 What are some colorful noodle?

You can see them in a bunch noodle.

According to the somen campany,
When you eat, please feel cool and fresh not only taste but also its visual.
Because of them, it add some colorful noodle.

We can enjoy eating somen with flowing!

 Also, its taste is plane, so you can make original dishes with idea!

This picture is from Cookpad, I often refer the recipe.
Is it so yummy, don't you think? http://cookpad.com/recipe/1196551
There many somen recipe, please see them:)

This is my last posting!
Enjoy summer with health food :D

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